oatmeal waffles

The fact that I spend most of my work “day” working on my own means that sometimes I have way too much time to think. About things like, could a highly trained monkey actually do my job? How long would it take to train this hypothetical monkey and where can I go to find one? I’d like him to start immediately.

And was I correct when I said that waffles beat pancakes, due to their built-in syrup and whipped cream receptacles? I debated this one for a while. The only possible winning pancake that came to mind was a recipe for oatmeal pancakes that I found at Orangette a while back. They’re dreamy, with crispy, lacy edges and a satisfying oat-y interior.

Of course, this internal debate led to the making of a batch of oatmeal WAFFLES.

Yes, waffles still beat pancakes.

Pancakes: tasty.

oatmeal pancakes

Waffles: Oh Yeah.

oatmeal waffles


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Oatmeal Waffles (or Pancakes, if you must) (from orangette)

makes about 3 large Belgian waffles…my favorite variation: sub one small, very ripe mashed banana for the sugar, and cut back on the butter by half.

1 cup rolled oats

1 cup buttermilk

1/4 cup all-purpose flour

1 tablespoon sugar

1/2 teaspoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

1/4 teaspoon table salt

1 large egg

4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted and cooled a bit

Stir together oats and buttermilk. Cover and refrigerate overnight.

Whisk together flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Add eggs and melted butter (add banana now if using) to oat mixture, and stir well. Add flour mixture; stir until just blended. Batter will be very thick.

Cook using a waffle iron set to medium-high–I turned the dial to 5 and cooked it a little longer than the built-in timer said to. If you're using a banana you'll probably need to go a minute longer–I take them out when the flow of steam has slowed down significantly.

To make pancakes, heat a griddle over medium to medium-high heat and cook using 1/4 cup scoops of batter, flipping when the underside is golden brown and the top looks set around the edges.

6 responses to “oatmeal waffles”

  1. Waffles FTW! I agree… Waffles beat the pants off pancakes any day of the week, even though pulling out the waffle maker is ever so slightly more effort than pulling out a pan.
    This oatmeal version sounds absolutely scrumptious. Must try it out next time I’m in a leisurely brunch sort of mood!

  2. sheen edward says:

    I could get this meal on the way to the office, love it!

  3. Rick says:

    Found these last night and immediately combined the oatmeal and buttermilk and could hardly wait to make these in the morning. They did NOT disappoint…in fact, the EXCEEDED my expectation. Your photo and mention of oatmeal waffles grabbed my attention instantly. Absolutely delicious. Thanks again, and great blog…I will be back again, and again, and again.

  4. Samantha says:

    This recipe is amazing. It will definitely be making a (frequent) reoccurrence in my breakfast repertoire.

  5. Katie says:

    waffles> pancakes ALWAYS! I’ve been looking for a good waffle recipe, and I know this one is it!

  6. anne says:

    I was on my way to peanut butter cookies when I saw oatmeal waffles!! These look awesome.

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