chocolate cake

I’m 28 today. I must be getting old, because instead of using my birthday as an excuse to try some decadent recipe I’ve been eyeing, I’m going to keep it simple and allow The Grit to provide me with a (single!) slice of cake. Or (gasp!) pie!

Dear Grit, 

Please have Strawberries and Cream Cake today. Did I mention it was my birthday? 

Love you forever, 


Before I decided to go the Grit route, I did seriously consider a couple of favorite cakes:

pumpkin cupcake with apple butter buttercreamcarrot-cheesecake with pineapple flowers

chocolate icebox cakechocolate stout cupcakes with cinnamon dulce de leche cream cheese frosting

1. pumpkin cupcakes with apple butter buttercream

2. carrot cake with pineapple flowers

3. homemade chocolate icebox cake

4. chocolate stout cupcakes with cinnamon dulce de leche cream cheese icing

Or, vanilla cake with vanilla bean frosting (seriously, it takes some talent to make me crave vanilla cake…that photo! aghhhhh! must. have. vanilla. cake.)

Or…chocolate chocolate cake.

With chocolate-tofu frosting.

Stop looking at me like that.

It doesn’t taste like tofu, swear. But it is intensely chocolate-y (fudgy, dare I say?) and silky smooth.

chocolate cake with chocolate (tofu) frosting


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Hershey’s Black Magic Cake

makes two 9″ rounds or one 13×9 sheet

2 cups sugar

1 3/4 cups all purpose flour

3/4 cup Hershey’s unsweetened cocoa

2 teaspoons baking soda

1 teaspoon baking powder

1 teaspoon salt

2 eggs

1 cup buttermilk

1 cup strong black coffee, or 2 teaspoons instant coffee plus 1 cup water, room temp

1/2 cup vegetable oil

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 350. Grease/flour two 9″ round pans or one 9x13x2.

Whisk together sugar, flour, cocoa, baking soda, powder, and salt. Add eggs, buttermilk, coffee, oil, and vanilla; whisk until very thoroughly combined (or in a mixer with paddle attachment for about 2 minutes.) Batter will be very thin. Pour into prepped pans.

Bake rounds for 30-35 minutes (35-40 for 9×13) or until toothpick comes out clean.

Cool in pan for 10 minutes, then invert onto a wire rack to cool completely.

Chocolate (Tofu) Frosting (from The Grit cookbook)

(1) 12-ounce package firm silken tofu

3 cups dark chocolate chips

Drain excess liquid from tofu, then crush and place in a medium saucepan along with chocolate chips. Stir over medium heat until chocolate is very soft. Transfer to food processor; blend until very smooth. Cool to a spreadable consistency–may need to refrigerate for a bit if it’s hot in the room.


7 responses to “chocolate cake”

  1. Christy says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! That chocolate cake looks amazing!!

  2. Happy birthday! The cake does look great, I would have never guessed its icing was made of tofu.

  3. admattai says:

    do you think I could freeze some of the dough/frosting and just make some of this in cupcake form?

    • Jen says:

      i’m not sure, i’ve never tried freezing batter or frosting. but! baked cupcakes keep great in the freezer up to a month or two, as long as they’re really well wrapped or in an airtight container. and i’ve kept this frosting in the refrigerator for a few weeks and it was just fine. just a guess, but i don’t think the frosting would do well in the freezer because of the tofu in it, and the chocolate might seize up.

    • Jen says:

      so…it is possible to freeze batter–they say this works best with batters that have baking powder in them (baking soda does its thing as soon as it touches liquid; baking powder reacts when it touches liquid, as well as again when it goes into a hot oven) so i think it might work for this cake

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