yogurt pops

blackberries and cherries

We’re getting deep into summer here; ’tis the season of popsicles and blackberries and cherries. By chance, I happened upon a recipe for yogurt pops at orangette and a stack of dinosaur-themed dixie cups in the cupboard that have lived in this house far longer than I have.

blackberries, cherries, and yogurt in the blender

The result? Blackberry-Cherry Yogurt Pops. A smoothie on a stick, if you will.

blackberry-cherry yogurt pops in dinosaur dixie cups


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Blackberry-Cherry Yogurt Pops (adapted from orangette)

2 cups plain whole-milk yogurt

1 cup fresh sweet cherries

1 cup blackberries

1/2 cup sugar

1 tsp. lemon juice

Combine all ingredients in a blender; process until smooth. Set a strainer over a large measuring cup or bowl with a spout. Press the mixture through strainer to remove seeds. Distribute mixture evenly among popsicle molds. Freeze for about 30 minutes until the mixture begins to set, then insert popsicle sticks. Freeze solid.

2 responses to “yogurt pops”

  1. Aunt B says:

    How “cool” :-) You are awesome.

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