walnut brownies with browned butter

stacked brownies

We headed up to South Carolina for the weekend to help Eli’s mom sort through some memorabilia. Rather, Eli went to help sort through some stuff; I went along to prevent a certain 25-pound fuzzmonster from defiling the house.

I took some brownies. Brownies convey messages like: “I’m almost completely useless for manual labor, but hey! look! brownies!” and “Congrats on the sale of your house after four heart-wrenching years on the market!” and “I’m so, so sorry that moving sucks in such a major way.”

Just a few miles into our journey back home, on the interstate of all places, the gas pedal became unresponsive. A couple of brownies had survived the weekend and were waiting for us back at the house. “Eat me,” they whispered. I did, and they made me feel a little better. But it was be the dominoes and bubbly and good company that made me almost glad a faulty fuel pump had bought us another night in this wonderful place.

attic entrance      a glimpse into the hallway from the laundry room

the kitchen      a view of the house from the creek

front door      closet

jen's shadow      lucy finds a scent

lucy rolls in the scent      lucy is smelly

view of house from the driveway


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Walnut Brownies with Browned Butter (from Bon Appetit)

10 tablespoons butter, unsalted

1 1/4 cups sugar

3/4 cup natural unsweetened cocoa powder

2 teaspoons water

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/4 teaspoon salt

2 large eggs, chilled

1/3 cup plus 1 tablespoon flour

1 cup walnuts, chopped

Preheat oven to 325. Line 8x8x2 square metal pan with foil, pressing firmly against pan sides and leaving a 2″ overhang. Spray with no-stick.

Melt butter in a saucepan over medium heat. Cook until butter stops foaming and browned bits form at the bottom of the pan, stirring often, about 5 minutes. Remove from heat and immediately add sugar, cocoa, 2 teaspoons water, vanilla, and a generous 1/4 teaspoon salt. Stir to blend; let cool 5 minutes. Add eggs to hot mixture 1 at a time, beating vigorously after each addition. When mixture is thick and shiny, add flour and stir 60 strokes. Stir in nuts. Transfer batter to pan.

Bake until toothpick comes out with a few moist crumbs attached, about 25 minutes. Cool in pan on rack. Lift brownies from pan and cut into 16 pieces.

2 responses to “walnut brownies with browned butter”

  1. Carolyn says:

    Those are lovely brownies and I think they convey exactly the right message for a weekend spent helping someone with their home! ;)

  2. Sarah says:

    Oh these are so, so good- I made them a few months back after seeing them on the cover of Bon Appetit and they disappeared in seconds! Pretty pictures and cute puppy!!

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