quinoa taco salad
I could tell you all about quinoa and its significance to the ancient Incas and their recipe for War Balls; about its complete amino acid profile and impressive disease-fighting capabilities. ...

chard with garlic and lemon
Bunches upon bunches of bright, beautiful rainbow chard sat smack dab in the middle of the produce section, on sale no less. Enticing, enchanting, how could I refuse their colorful, Summery lure? ...

homemade almond milk
One of my favorite ways of harnessing almonds' nutritive superpowers is grinding them into almond milk. The store-bought stuff is fine, yes, but this homemade version is pure, smooth, rich and ...

chocolate peanut butter
The lovely Deb, of smittenkitchen.com, always posts great recipes but there are a couple that stand out in my mind; recipes that lured me in with just a picture, induced wild fits of drooling and ...

espresso granita
This recipe is based on espresso. Espresso is pretty great. Slushies are pretty great too. Espresso + slushy = unstoppable force of awesome greatness. So, you stir together some espresso or ...

gluten-free peanut butter cookies
It all started with a simple recipe. 1 cup peanut butter 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 egg Stir. Bake. Eat. So easy, I had a pan in the oven in under 10 ...

asparagus, tomato, and orzo salad
Asparagus is in season 'round here. 'Round here being Georgia, by the way. We like to either lop off bits of words or smoosh 'em all together 'round heeyuh in these parts, ya'll. I'm not a native ...

crème brûlée
Hi there. Here we are, around post #11 or so. I haven't told my people about this here blog yet. I'm a little nervous. Nervous that it's going to be like a teenage journal, in that when you're ...

blackened tofu caesar salad
The caesar salad comes from the gorgeous Zuni Cafe Cookbook. The blackened tofu is mine, all mine. I'll do my best to write coherent instructions for it. I'm new to the whole ...

homemade boullion
That crazy looking concoction up there is homemade boullion. A brilliant, though seemingly obvious in retrospect, alternative to those odd, bland, dehydrated boullion cubes you can purchase at ...

black bean chili
I'd intended to post this soup as a nice recipe to bridge the gap between the chill of early spring and the hell that most people refer to as Summer. A warm, hearty chili complemented by a ...

gluten-free crackers
I was padding around kitchen the other night, tunes on, things happening in the oven, dishes everywhere. The contents of the coffee grinder had been evacuated in favor of some quinoa and millet; ...