grilled asparagus, peach, and goat cheese salad

Keepin’ it simple.

Too much to do, too little time.

Just enough time, though, to make a Fancy Lunch.

Grilled some asparagus spears until tender, along with peach halves until they had some tasty grill marks on ’em.  Made a simple vinaigrette. The original recipe calls for balsamic vinegar (and basil). I didn’t have any, so I just mixed 2 parts olive oil with 1 part white wine vinegar, plus salt and pepper. Crumbled goat cheese over the top (I finally found a goat cheese that isn’t too…goat-y…honey chevre by la bonne vie).

Felt fancy for a moment, but quickly came back to reality.

peaches, asparagus, and honey chevre

peach, asparagus, and goat cheese salad


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One response to “grilled asparagus, peach, and goat cheese salad”

  1. Subtle Ceiling says:

    i just made an ‘mmm’ noise to this recipe, quietly and alone in my room. 

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