homemade almond milk

a bottle of almond milk

One of my favorite ways of harnessing almonds’ nutritive superpowers is grinding them into almond milk. The store-bought stuff is fine, yes, but this homemade version is pure, smooth, rich and creamy almond-y goodness. It’s free of the additives that give store-bought milk a slightly thick, gummy texture. Of course that means it lacks the same shelf-life, needing to be used within a couple of days. Not difficult around here. So far it’s gone into rice pudding, oatmeal pancakes, french toast, coffee and cereal. And the leftover meal has been used for a cheesecake crust. More possibilities? Throw it into a smoothie, use it in gluten-free crackers, slather it all over your face?

a glass of almond milk

You just need a blender that doesn’t leak out the bottom (learned the hard way), some cheesecloth or muslin–love muslin!–and a little time.


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Almond Milk (from ohnuts.com)

makes about a quart

1 1/2 cups blanched almonds (you can also use skin-on almonds, but the end result may be slightly more bitter)

4 cups water


1 teaspoon vanilla

1 tablespoon sweetener

dash of cinnamon

pinch of salt

Soak almonds in enough water to cover for at least 4 hours, or overnight. This will soften them and make easier to blend. Strain and put soaked almonds in a blender.

Blend almonds with 2 cups of water for 1-2 minutes, until smooth. Add the remaining 2 cups of water and optional ingredients and blend another 2-3 minutes.

Line a strainer with a couple layers of cheesecloth or muslin. Pour the almond mixture through the strainer, squeezing the cheesecloth to remove any remaining liquid.

Store almond milk in a covered container in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

You can dry the leftover almond meal in a low oven to use as a sort of flour.

2 responses to “homemade almond milk”

  1. […] just fall into place. 6 cups leftover macaroni + those last four carrots in the crisper bin + almond milk + a few other odds and ends= sneaky macaroni […]

  2. […] You can use almond milk (though I can’t vouch for the store-bought stuff) in place of regular milk; it may be a […]

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